
Acupuncture is a natural medicine that activates the body’s innate life forces known as Qi — the vital energy that powers our natural defenses, restores our internal balances (homeostasis) and enhances our ability to heal and be well. It is a safe and effective way to treat a wide variety of health conditions as below, from immunity to physical, mental health and overall wellbeing. Acupuncture can also be used as an anti-aging treatment to stimulate collagen growth, while lifting and tightening the facial muscles.

Science shows that everything in the body is made of constantly moving elements that radiate energy (Qi).  Inside of you is an intelligent, powerful energy network that maintains health and essential balance. Acupuncture works to activate this energy system as the natural self-healing ability of the body, which can strengthen and harmonize the body to address root causes of symptoms above and achieve optimal health with lasting benefits.

Elevate healing to the next level by combining acupuncture with cupping, gua-sha or various TCM healing modalities specific to your needs. Deeper rejuvenation, profound results.


Chinese Herbal Medicine consists mainly of vegetable sources including leaves, flowers, twigs, stems, roots, tubers, rhizomes, and bark.  There are animal and mineral products used on occasion as necessary.  Most of the herbs used (about 80-85%) come from China with the remaining percentage having been integrated from outside China.  Although these herbs come from a different country, they have been proven to work for people in the United States and all over the world.  Herbal products come in different forms – raw, powder, pills, tablets, tea.

Many patients are curious about the nature of Chinese Herbal Medicine.  There are a few important things to understand.  Chinese Herbal Medicine differs from Western folk medicine in that it usually uses a larger variety of herb in each prescription.

While Western folk medicine typically uses one or a few herbs to treat symptoms, a Chinese Herbal prescription can contain 6-18 herbs.  Also, Chinese diagnosis includes not only a disease diagnosis, identifying the symptoms, but also a pattern diagnosis, identifying a person's pattern that is causing weakness and disease in them.  The variety of herbs is specially selected to deal with the person's immediate as well as long term problems.  They have hardly any side effects, and if a patient does experience any unpleasant side effects the practitioner can adjust the amounts of herb in their mixture until there are no side effects

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is a form of massage therapy which decompresses soft tissues using vacuum suction, unlike other forms of massage that compresses soft tissues.  During cupping, the cup gently sucks to your skin and lifts underlying soft tissue into the cup.

How does it feel?

Cupping is very relaxing and generally not painful.  The sensation that is experienced is a pulling of the skin as the cup is moved in a rolling fashion.  Redness or a feeling of warmth is usually experienced after the release of the cup due to increase blood flow to the area. 

Who can benefit?

Almost anyone can benefit from cupping.  It is used to treat lack of mobility, tight muscles, scars and many diagnoses like headaches, tendinitis, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, fibromyalgia, and release of trigger points.

What to expect after treatment?

Mild soreness is to be expected from the buildup of lactic acid in the muscle tissue, but less soreness than a deep tissue massage.  Bruises are to be expected and can last up to a week.  Physical exertion and heat are not recommended after the treatment.

Cupping benefits are the following:

  • Release scar tissue and fascial adhesions

  • Reduce painful trigger points

  • Improve circulation, blood and lymph circulation

  • Relieve pain

  • Promote mobility and range of motion

  • Improves mature scars

  • Decrease toxins

If you have experienced traumas such as strains, sprains, overload, etc., our therapists can help to provide non-opioid means of pain relief through cupping.

If you have any questions regarding our services or would like more information about the Cupping Technique, please contact